Selasa, 04 November 2014

German malts at a glance

The title says it all. This is a short post in my current series on German malting.

I'm finding it fun even if you aren't. I'm having to churn out the posts this week because of my upcoming trips to the US. Actually, I'll be in the US when this posted. Slaving away in New Jersey.

Like much of what I do, this is really for my own reference. So I can easily find this information when I need it. I found it in a little booklet  produced by Braugersten-Gemeinschaft e.V., a group dedicated to researching and breeding malting barley for brewing.

German Malt types
Malt type  Colour / EBC  Use Amount Purpose of use
Pilsner malt  3 - 5 Pilsner beers 100% For the production of all pale beers
Every other beer type As base malt for speciality beers
Vienna malt 7 – 9 Export beers 100% To achieve “amber coloured beers” and promote full-bodied flavour
Festival beers
Home-brewed beers
Munich malt I  I 12 – 17 Dark beers up to 100 % Underscores the typical beer character through intensified flavour
Festival beers Achieves intense beer colour
II 20 – 25 Stouts
Malt beers
Black beers
Spitz malt  2.5 – 4.5  To compensate for highly soluble brewing malts max. 15 – 20 % Improved head retention
Smoked malt 3 – 6 Smoked beers up to 100 % Achieves the typical smoked flavour
Speciality beers, e.g. for tavern breweries
Wheat beers
Sour malt pH 3.4 – 3.6 3 – 7a Pilsner beers up to 5 % Lowers the wort ph, thereby
Light beers Improves mashing performance
Draught beers Intensifies fermentation
Effects pale beer colours in Pilsner beers
Improves flavour stability
More balanced beer flavour
Melanoidin malt  60 – 80  Wheat beers up to 20 % Improves flavour stability and full-bodied flavour
Bocks Balances beer colour
Dark beers Achieves reddish colour
Red ales Optimizes mash work
Amber beers
Caramel malt light  20 – 30  Pale beers 10 – 15 % Increases full-bodied flavour
Export beers Intensifies malt flavour
Festival beers Improved head retention
Low alcohol malt beers (Nährbiere) Full, balanced flavour
Wheat beers up to 30 % Fuller beer colour
Draught beers Adjusts beer colour in Pilsner or Lager beers
Light beers Flavour optimization for yeast wheat beers
Reduced-alcohol beers
Alcohol-free beers
Caramel malt dark  60 – 160 Bock beers up to 20 % Improves flavour stability and full-bodied flavour
Dark beers Balances beer colour
Red ale Optimizes mash work
Amber beers Intensifies malt flavour
Festival beers
Non alcohol malt beers
Low alcohol malt beers
Light beers
Roasted malt  800 – 1500 Dark beers 1 – 5 % Intensifies the typical flavour of dark beers and beer colour
Alt beers
Black beers
Diastatic barley malt 3 – 6 All beer varieties as needed High enzyme capacity, improves processing, optimizes solubility and breakdown of starch
Production of malt extracts
"The Soul of Beer: Malting Barley from Germany", Braugersten-Gemeinschaft e.V., page 57.

I told you it was a short post that's me done now.

I might do something similar for British malt types.

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